Metamo Travel
Pushing the Boundaries of Travel in Celebration of the Human Experience.
Podcasting since 2020 • 37 episodes
Metamo Travel
Latest Episodes
Intermission: The Journey to the Other Side of the Bridge (Episode 36)
Travel is with all of us as a fundamental part of being human. On our journey we occasionally come to bridges. We stop in the middle sometimes and look around, watch the water flow by, gaze at the trees and the sky, and look to the other side.&...

Episode 35: Delivered Direct to You From Kileleshwa & Ace Hardware
A few random moments walking in Africa. From the tent to the main dining area unaccompanied by a Maasai guard makes you look extra closely for any sign of movement. Hornbills in Kileleshwa. A Maasai Warrior discusses the process of ...

Episode 34: The Birds & the Chee (tahs) with David and Ronah Saunders
Birds are special creatures. While there are no bees in this episode, there are cheetahs. How about you....Do you have a spirit animal? And how about a spirt bird? On this episiode we visit again with our dear friends David and Rona...

Episode 33: The Winds of Travel - A Conversation with Chris McCaffrey Part 2
The winds of travel can blow you all the way around the world and back again. And again and again. They can take you to a cafe in Uttar Pradesh or on a wild rickshaw race from Rajasthan to Kerala in India. It can take you to a fashion sho...

Episode 32: The Winds of Travel - A Conversation with Chris McCaffrey Part 1
When travel gets in your blood, watch out. Life will never be the same. 9 to 5's exist in that other world far away - you toss up grass blades to test the wind more often. If the wind is blowing toward the southern hemisphere, you may tra...